Waxing is one of the best ways to remove unwanted hair from the body. Waxing removes the hair from its roots while eliminating the dead skin cells in the top layer. It exfoliates the skin,  leaving the skin feeling smooth. If you want your customers to make the most out of waxing, you should educate them on preparing their skin before their appointment and caring for it right after the session. 

Knowing the do’s and don’ts can help them limit the discomfort and ensure that they get the best results possible. 

Pre-Waxing Tips: What to Do Before a Waxing Session

Days before the session, make sure that you advise your client to do the following:

  • Make a quick skin inspection: Before they proceed with the waxing procedure, make sure they check if the area they plan to have waxed has cuts, broken skin, or skin inflammation. Waxing with any of these skin issues could make the session uncomfortable and painful. It would be best to wait until the affected area is fully healed before proceeding with the appointment. 
  • Check if the hair is long enough: Tell them that their hair needs to be at least ¼ inch long before they have their wax session. That would be similar to how small a grain of rice is. Hair that is too short or too long might hinder the wax. Growing out their hair for two or three weeks might make it ready for the next waxing session. 
  • Exfoliate skin one or two days before your session: Remind clients to exfoliate their target area to prepare it for waxing, but make sure to tell them not to be too harsh on their skin. Using a washcloth to scrub the skin should be enough. Exfoliating it hard could result in skin damage.
  • Keep skin moisturized: Apart from exfoliating, they need to ensure that their skin is well-hydrated. Dry skin could make the waxing more painful. However, overhydration is not recommended. Overly moisturized skin could prevent the wax from gripping the skin. 

Post-Waxing Tips: What to Do After the Waxing Session

After their appointment, they need to perform some care guidelines to guarantee that the skin does not experience any side effects. Since the skin would be sensitive after the session, your clients need to be more attentive to their needs. Here are some tips you can follow:

  • Apply post-depilatory lotion to the skin: If your client has sensitive skin, they might need a post-depilatory lotion. This product could soothe the skin should irritation occur. It can also effectively remove waxy residues while wetting the skin is still prohibited. Furthermore, it can reduce any redness and the chances of ingrown hairs. Recommend a brand if you do not sell one in your clinic. 
  • Calm inflamed skin with cold compress:  There is no skin inflammation that a cold compress could not solve. If your client’s skin starts to develop red bumps, advise them to use this hassle-free method to soothe their skin. 
  • Wear loose and light clothes: Doing so could help their skin breathe. It would lessen possible skin irritation. 
  • Exfoliate and moisturize the skin as recommended: Your client needs to eventually exfoliate their skin to prevent ingrown hairs from occurring. This aftercare is usually recommended three to four days after their waxing session, which should be followed by moisturization. 


If you want your clients to make the most of your hair waxing service, you need to tell them to follow the proper care and guidance. Doing so would ensure your appointment is more effective. Since the skin has enlarged hair follicles after the session, it is essential for your clients to be gentle and mindful with their skin.

To make your client’s waxing experience even better, make sure you invest in quality blue wax beads. At Simmply Aesthetics, we have many waxing bead options to choose from. We also have professional starter kits and other waxing accessories that can complete your business needs.